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This is a picture of me and a friend in Northern Kazakhstan, where I worked for a year before I entered university. The photo was taken in 1957.

In 1955 I entered the Department of Physics at Vologda University. I studied well, but money was always a problem. I usually passed my exams in winter in advance so that I’d be able to work at a wood cutting site. It was hard but well-paid work. My earnings for a month or a month and a half lasted until summer. I went to Chernovtsy in the summer. I worked at the children’s summer camp where I had meals and earned some money. And I could see my mother, my father and my friends.

After the university I got a job assignment in a Moldavian village and worked there for two years as a teacher of physics. Afterwards I returned to Chernovtsy. It was hard to get a job there – my Jewish nationality was a problem. I got a part-time job first and then became a full-time teacher of physics.

More Photos from Efim Pisarenko

Efim Pisarenko (1972)
      Efim Pisarenko’s Family
          Efim Pisarenko’s sister, Broha Shapiro, and her fellow students
              Efim Pisarenko (1995)
                  Efim Pisarenko, his Brother, Misha Pisarenko, and their Neighbours
                      Efim Pisarenko’s Father, Ekusiel Pisarenko
                          Efim Pisarenko’s older sister, Broha Shapiro, and her school friends
                              Efim Pisarenko with his second wife, Inna Pisarenko, and their son, Ruvim Pisarenko