Emma Balonova

Born 1920 in Vitebsk.

Emma Balonova grew up in Minsk and Gomel. She studied chemistry in Leningrad and worked as a teacher and at the Institute for Toxicology in Leningrad.

Emma Balonova’s Father
      Emma Balonova’s classmates
          Emma Balonova and her Sister
              Emma Balonova and her son Mikhail
                  Emma Balonova in the Chemical Laboratory
                      Emma Balonova and her Family
                          Emma Balonova on vacation
                              Emma Balonova
                                  Emma Balonova’s Husband
                                      Emma Balonova and her Father
                                      • with audio description
                                        Emma Balonova with her sister and her cousin
                                            Emma Balonova and her son Yakov
                                                Maria Balonova’s Wedding